This blog is about the success I have had in losing 85 pounds in the year 2010.
I have mantained this for over a year just by eating for my blood type.
Removing foods like wheat and corn because they interfere with insulin efficiency and slow a blood type O's metabolic rate.
In a perfect world I could live without everything . I do on a very rare occasion have some foods but (very little)that I shouldn't but NEVER wheat or corn.

I write about how I did the every day and the emotions that go with it.
I am in the process of writing a cookbook that has all of my recipes I have created to help on this journey.

My purpose in this blog is to encourage and equip people who are struggling with weight loss and eating healthy.

Eating healthy is the only way out.
I ate my way in this, so I ate my way out.

Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

Monday, February 28, 2011

Each Day You Move Your Closer To Where You Want to Be...and Further Away From Where You Were

So today I hit the 4 mile mark just a bit over in 1 hr...I'm getting there... 5 miles in 1 hr is my goal that way I can be ready for a small marathon.
I was thinking while jogging today...I wonder if people who are still struggling to lose weight and have not really grasped the concept of eating your way out of it are thinking "shes just got a grip of things... and I may never get there...I cant do what she does or that success is for really serious people who go crazy and can get it "...and "I just cant" ... what makes you think that ???...I know what I'm talking about as I used to think this way...you know this happens when you see commercials for Jenny Craig ...Weight Watchers ...PX90 ...all those success stories had the same dilemma ...laziness ...lack of discipline...overeating...eating way more than you burn in calories...no exercise at all ...not even walking...I know that was me ...but somewhere no matter what you have to take responsibility for what you have become and fix it ...start somewhere ...walk a little until you can walk allot ...each day you move your closer to where you want to be and further away from where you were...eat good food...stop filling your body with junk...you cant do it by getting what you want every time you want it ...I have compassion with that dilemma but know this if you really want it you will do it...I went through the stage where your pacifying thoughts were I really don't want it that bad and I'm OK with that..I might as well as enjoy eating what I love...I don't have what it takes...its too hard...I don't care anymore...Know this ...You do care and You do want to change , You just need to know its a 1 day at a time thing ...keep doing good things to your body and it will pay off ...one bite at a time...eating your way out of your dilemma...put good fuel in your body and start somewhere...I can help you by encouraging you through this blog...but what I cant do for you is decide enough is enough...losing the weight is just 1 part of what eating for your blood type does...it helps you feel and look healthy ...having energy and gaining confidence because of your success in achieving your goals.
Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

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