This blog is about the success I have had in losing 85 pounds in the year 2010.
I have mantained this for over a year just by eating for my blood type.
Removing foods like wheat and corn because they interfere with insulin efficiency and slow a blood type O's metabolic rate.
In a perfect world I could live without everything . I do on a very rare occasion have some foods but (very little)that I shouldn't but NEVER wheat or corn.

I write about how I did the every day and the emotions that go with it.
I am in the process of writing a cookbook that has all of my recipes I have created to help on this journey.

My purpose in this blog is to encourage and equip people who are struggling with weight loss and eating healthy.

Eating healthy is the only way out.
I ate my way in this, so I ate my way out.

Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

Friday, October 22, 2010

the infamous question " how did you do it"?

Its actually quite amusing how many different times I have been asked the question "how did you do it"?..."what diet are you on"? ..."what pills did you take"?..."did you do the shots"?..."did you get gastric bypass"?...our culture gives us this idea that it must be quick and easy ...if not then its just too hard...well my story is this...I wanted it to be permanent weight loss and healthy to do ...so I had known about the eat right for your blood type lifestyle...in fact I had the book on my shelf for about 12 yrs...I made the decision that this was not gonna be something I would not be able to gain all my weight back like many have done when they come off a program...surgery is not a option in my world although was asked by my medical Dr. if I considered it...my personal take on the surgery scenario is if you don't have any discipline to restrict your eating in general then what makes you believe that stapling your stomach etc will somehow give you the desire to do ...but instead FORCE you to restrict and discipline with a price tag on it ...not to mention with many risks...no the logical thing for me was to be serious and eat my way out of this ...after all I ate my way in ...I was out to reverse the curse...through with what is all of our favorite thing to do EAT...so I cleaned out my pantry and started the quest in JAN 2010...I went to work learning the blood type O's lifestyle of eating...I exercise 6 days a week in my home on my treadmill and elliptical machine and I drink lots of green tea w stevia drops...maybe this is not for everyone but i can tell you that allot of it makes complete sense...I will write more in the near future about my struggles to get where I am today and the way people treat heavy people and it's horrible experience...I know what it is to be a wall flower......I can relate to people who are over weight and just cant seem to get started or think they CAN'T do it ...I AM HERE TO TELL YOU ... YOU CAN ...IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN DO IT...the key to it all is YOU have to want it if you don't then you won't  and are not ready to take it on...ask me questions ...leave a comment ...I would love to hear any kind of info that may encourage those reading this ...
Peace ,
Coach Sandra


  1. Fabulous site Sandra! Thank you for offering encouragement to those of us who struggle daily with our eating habits and weight problems.

  2. Way to go Sandra! Sooooo proud of you! You look amazing!!!!

  3. Thats so awesome Sandra very proud of you and keep it up!

