This blog is about the success I have had in losing 85 pounds in the year 2010.
I have mantained this for over a year just by eating for my blood type.
Removing foods like wheat and corn because they interfere with insulin efficiency and slow a blood type O's metabolic rate.
In a perfect world I could live without everything . I do on a very rare occasion have some foods but (very little)that I shouldn't but NEVER wheat or corn.

I write about how I did the every day and the emotions that go with it.
I am in the process of writing a cookbook that has all of my recipes I have created to help on this journey.

My purpose in this blog is to encourage and equip people who are struggling with weight loss and eating healthy.

Eating healthy is the only way out.
I ate my way in this, so I ate my way out.

Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dont Make It About What You CAN'T Have ...Make It About What You CAN

Good Morning 6:15 am and I find myself here,

Someone wrote to me about a experience in eating out and it triggered in me the reason for this blog.
 I hope this helps you .
A few things to remember if your eating out and do not know what to order.
All gluten free products are not always eat right friendly.
There isn't many restaurants offering anything to write home about..well at least not in the phx area.
However the selection of gluten free menus are becoming popular.
Getting to know what your blood type can and can not have takes time. But it is important if your trying to be serious about this lifestyle.

If a restaurant offers gluten free pasta you can pretty much bet there is corn something in it...some oriental places offer rice noodles which is great but Italian /regular pasta dishes are a challenge...DON'T be afraid to ask for the exact ingredients...be patient with staff as they don't usually like an extra task but too bad...be nice and express your need to know...eventually you will get a few things down pat of what to ask or say.
Most pizza crusts have corn meal or starch or potato starch or flours in it and there is a crust out there that has powdered milk in it .
You can choose then what you will eat or not.
I was very strict.
There isn't allot of wiggle room if you are .

My suggestion to you if you know you are going out to eat somewhere go online and view the menu ahead of time. Also if its obvious that there isn't much to offer you like SUBWAY then choose something better . Subway has cold cuts and cheeses and white bread all processed foods...nitrates and nitrites are in meats and no cheese for "O's" except mozzarella and the bread is white /wheat flour so unless they offer a salad (not sure if they do )then that is out of the question in "Sandra's World".
That said then you have a good idea what to ask or order when its your turn to do so without it being such a process .
Don't make it about what you CAN'T have make it about what you CAN.
Its all in how you handle it that makes it easier to adapt and do this lifestyle.
Knowing ahead prepares you and makes the process easier for all involved.
If your dramatising the whole thing on "what I CAN'T have" then who would want to try what you are doing ?
Do your homework and study your blood type food lists.
Set yourself up for SUCCESS not failure.

I have so many times been able to share my story when a opportunity allows me to .
 I'm careful not to be too preachy about it...I am a walking testimony on how this has changed my life and worked for me .
I will take any opportunity to help someone else if I can.
That's the whole point of my blog.To share the ins and outs of the daily how to in this for a blood type "O"...I try to help other blood types as best I can but blood type "O" is obviously what I know most about.
The part where I encourage and give hope to people who have tried everything else and are looking for an answer comes very easy.I have been that heavy woman who couldn't and wouldn't lose but only gain.
Having no self esteem and hating what I had become.
Thinking everyone makes fun of you and looks down on you.

It was a big mind game that I finally was able to say...I WIN !!!

I love to eat and I do ...just not bad things that I know will hurt my body.
I ate my way out of my overweight problem...and if that's your dilemma than you can too.

Changing this up a bit ...
The summer here in the desert presents different issues that other parts of the country never deals with...THE INTENSE HEAT...It is so hot here that at day break its still in the 90's or high 80's...so our outside time that we get to jog or do any physical activity is at a stand still.

So summer go away please ...
...I long for the weather to break so I can get back to my running and preparing for the marathons this fall.

Be encouraged...every day you move fwd is a day you didn't take 2 steps back.
Keep believing its possible and NEVER NEVER QUIT .
QUITING is not an option.
Take it 1 day at a time.
If I can do it YOU can do it !!!
Happy Eating
Coach Sandra                     after my 1st 8k marathon

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