This blog is about the success I have had in losing 85 pounds in the year 2010.
I have mantained this for over a year just by eating for my blood type.
Removing foods like wheat and corn because they interfere with insulin efficiency and slow a blood type O's metabolic rate.
In a perfect world I could live without everything . I do on a very rare occasion have some foods but (very little)that I shouldn't but NEVER wheat or corn.

I write about how I did the every day and the emotions that go with it.
I am in the process of writing a cookbook that has all of my recipes I have created to help on this journey.

My purpose in this blog is to encourage and equip people who are struggling with weight loss and eating healthy.

Eating healthy is the only way out.
I ate my way in this, so I ate my way out.

Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

sorry for the delay

Grand babies grand babies and more grand babies...actually I have 2 wonderful granddaughters now...July 14th born to our family was Gracelynn Renee...so with Elle Grace on Sept 29th we are ecstatic ...all is well now and I can get back to writing my cook book and posting recipes...stay tuned for pictures of the pretty princesses ...Until then...
 Happy Eating
Coach Sandra


  1. Congratulations on the grand babies.. and also the weight loss!
    I am type O and have just started this week on the plan. Struggling without milk, yoghurt and cheese - but see you use mozzarella so that's good news! I will be watching your blog and look forward to more recipes. Only trouble is some ingredients not available here in NZ - don't even know what some are! We don't have cilantro, turbanado sugar or kamut flour - can you advise what alternatives may work? Or explain what they are?? or I could google them I guess :-)
    Keep up the great work, and thanks for inspiring me to go for it. I need to lose at least 5 kg before a trip to Melbourne in September and determined to shop there for a size smaller than I am now!!

  2. Hi Nicola...welcome to the eat for your type world...I have a few suggestions for you ...in response to a few of your questions on where to get the food...if you can not find a local mom and pop health food place head for the internet...alot of people use amazon...many order in bulk... the food manufacturer themselves can help you by emailing them and asking how you can get the products they have...the main companies that I use as far as flours cereals etc is Arrowhead Mills ...Bobs Red Mills ...I use mostly organic but if you can only get it non organic then thats a deciding point for you ...In a perfect world we would have all foods availible in all places in organic too...but dont get caught up in that as much as your avoids and starting a excercise program...I did discover a almond milk yogurt that is called AMOND its kind of on the too sweet for me side but well Ive had it a few times its ok...I do not know your markets there but maybe if you ask around a bit you will find a network of people that preffer healthy eating and have found a way or place to get the products they need ...not sure if you have 1 supermarket or many but ask the manager of that super market if they can get the products...you could be the 1001 person that has asked that question and they will do it finally because your asking put them over the top ...or they can help you find a way to get it...My local market doesnt carry everything in store such as Kamut Flakes its a cereal by Arrowhead Mills...they special order it for me and its there in a few days at no extra charge they do business w Arrowhead Mills but they do not stock this cereal anymore...I say all this to let you know there is a way to get what you want you just have to ask lots of questions and become a friend sort of to your local market...In the mean time read all your labels carefully and eat only things that are on your list as best you can...especially the highly beneficials...there is a link under the picture of the eat right book to the right of my blog ...you can purchase protien bars and shake mix especially for blood type O's ...I hope this helps a little bit...also there are some older posts that have pictures of products that are my favorite...
    Happy Eating
    Coach Sandra

  3. Thanks so much - I'm doing ok but only 1 week in. Had first cafe lunch yesterday which was interesting - they made me a special sandwich gluten free with chicken salad and when I started eating it realised they had put grated cheese in it! Didn't think to say no cheese. Luckily I was able to avoid most of it.
    Tried black beans for first time last night - loved them and so did the family thankfully.
    Want to get my 14 yr old daughter on this too for her health - she is a type A. However she is very sick - has had chronic fatigue syndrome for 3 years and in wheelchair poor darling suffers pain 24/7... so apart from doing this for me to lose weight I am considering it for her too in the hope it may help her pain. We have tried so many other alternative therapies and western medicine too but nothing seems to help. Do you know of anyone with CFS/ME who has had good results by eating for their type? I did see a dietician who said I should not take her off meat at her age - so difficult when you get conflicting views all the time.
    Sorry if this is off subject - and if you prefer me to email you direct I can do that.
    Thanks for your ideas too - I have a few supermarkets and one of them has ordered GF products for me before so will try them for the Kamut flour (I've been GF for almost 3 years now as I worked out it was bad for me).
    Thanks again - and by the way your little Princesses are adorable... treasure every minute.

  4. Hi Nicola, A few suggestions...most breads even though they are "gluten free "will have a few ingredients a blood type O shouldn't have such as corn flour and potato starch...ezekiel breads are good we can have them because of the way its sprouted and the ingredients...I have heard of many testimonies of people with MS and different dieases that have been either cured or very much improved when changing the diet...some of the info is in the eat right for your type news letter also on fb (dr d'adamo)there was a story of a man who had a skin condition where he would break out in blisters in his mouth everytime he ate ...for years he tried everything nothing worked until he tried the eat right plan and his life got better because of it...so yes to your trying diet for your daughter as long as your dr is aware of it ...its just food how can it hurt ???you can still give her turkey and cod and salmon so she will have many options...most people make this harder than it needs to be ...I looked at what I like and changed the ingredients to comply with my blood type and AVOID all my avoids...if your nifty in the kitchen you do have an advantage over someone who always eats out and never takes the time to cook or bake...
    Happy Eating
    Coach Sandra

