This blog is about the success I have had in losing 85 pounds in the year 2010.
I have mantained this for over a year just by eating for my blood type.
Removing foods like wheat and corn because they interfere with insulin efficiency and slow a blood type O's metabolic rate.
In a perfect world I could live without everything . I do on a very rare occasion have some foods but (very little)that I shouldn't but NEVER wheat or corn.

I write about how I did the every day and the emotions that go with it.
I am in the process of writing a cookbook that has all of my recipes I have created to help on this journey.

My purpose in this blog is to encourage and equip people who are struggling with weight loss and eating healthy.

Eating healthy is the only way out.
I ate my way in this, so I ate my way out.

Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why does anyone buy dressing from the store ???

I wonder why I ever bought dressing for salads from the store ??? I used to do it all the time now I cant remember when the last time I bought ANY dressing...When you make your own you know it has NO PRESERVATIVES IN IT !!! It really takes no time and you can create your own up with your favorite flavors...I made one yesterday for a asian chicken spinach salad...I had left over chicken that I made for my asian chicken lettuce wraps 2 days ago...it was delicious...I made enough for 1 salad so you do the math...

2 tablespoons of organic olive oil
1 teaspoon of organic tamari sauce
1 teaspoon of organic honey
1 teaspoon of rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar
!/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 garlic clove grated
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ginger (can grate some if you u have fresh I used organic ground)
of course everything is to taste really ...

I LOVE making my own dressing and you will too
Its fresh and its practically free...Enjoy
Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

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