This blog is about the success I have had in losing 85 pounds in the year 2010.
I have mantained this for over a year just by eating for my blood type.
Removing foods like wheat and corn because they interfere with insulin efficiency and slow a blood type O's metabolic rate.
In a perfect world I could live without everything . I do on a very rare occasion have some foods but (very little)that I shouldn't but NEVER wheat or corn.

I write about how I did the every day and the emotions that go with it.
I am in the process of writing a cookbook that has all of my recipes I have created to help on this journey.

My purpose in this blog is to encourage and equip people who are struggling with weight loss and eating healthy.

Eating healthy is the only way out.
I ate my way in this, so I ate my way out.

Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Successful Eating ...It Can Be Achieved

I have been doing allot of thinking...
I am finding the support and encouragement from what I thought was a good friend has dissapeared .
Sometimes people let things get in the way of the big picture and they lose their focus on what really matters at the end of the day.
So it has left me to believe in myself enough to get this ball rolling even if I run it solo.
My family by my side is enough.
Lesson learned :)
I believe I have the ability to create dishes I thought were never gonna touch my mouth again.
I just have to rethink the ingredients and practice until I get it right.
I have read comments from time to time on fb where it involves people who are trying to adapt and eat for their blood type.
I am amused and puzzled at times with the way people treat the eating plan and their interpretation of the methods and food lists . Some think they are doomed and some sound like they read 3 pages of it and think they can never have meat or fish. I believe I have embraced the food list. I have made great strides in the recipe department.
 For instance I made Jalapeno Poppers the other day ...all with ingredients I can have. Traditionally they are filled w regular cream cheese and and cheddar cheese and pork bacon wrapped ...Well I have revamped it and used blood type o ingredients...
Turkey Bacon ( Trader Joes No Nitrates Nitrites or Msg's)
Goat Cream Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Dash of : Onion Powder
                Garlic Powder
                Smoked Paprika
Cut peppers in half
make a mixture of the filling
stuff in Jalapeno
1 slice of turkey bacon sliced in 4 thin strips
wrap each stuffed jalapeno w turkey bacon
use a tooth pick to secure
bake @350* until golden brown
The other day I had over some friends and they ate yummy Chicken Parmesan w Brown Rice Penne Pasta and Caesar salad and Ezekiel Garlic Bread and Grilled Zucchini too. All natural no artificial anything wholesome food.
Not really rocket science...but it can be for some people.

 Some people are too lazy to cook and convenience almost always wins over will power. Eating out can be a challenge but sticking to a few rules when doing so will help you get through it.
My thought on cooking is if you want something bad enough you will do it...and if you don't then..well you have your answer.
Most people are too busy to stop and take time to work on being healthy ..its sad but true.
I had begun to give up on my cook book when I realized there are gobs and gobs (exactly what a gob is ...hhmm not sure but you get my point)..of people who need direction in taking out processed foods from their life and choosing better foods.

I can motivate and encourage and coach anyone who wants to help themselves make the changes .

I also want to start cooking lessons(already have a few requests) to people who are challenged in that area .

I'm wired to do that.

Some people are experts in Accounting and Book Keeping and Electronics, Computers, Child Care, Auto Repair...name it.
So we all have a place
Me I have gift for cooking.

I am beginning to plan some workshops geared towards healthy eating and cleaning up the foods we eat.
Shopping tips and meal planning & facts about things you might not have known will also be a part of this .
I will be announcing the launch date soon ...I have to plan a bit more and gather some more info on what is best for me to execute this idea.
If you are interested please email me @ successfuleating@gmail.com or through this blog
Thank You for reading my blog
Happy Eating
Coach Sandra

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